Direct mail promotions are a great way to draw new and current customers into your dealership! Setting up a Direct Mail Promotion is very easy to do with Interactive Promotions Group and can be set up within the same business day.

You will need to have a few pieces of information in order to get the ball rolling. Pricing is simply based on the value of the prize or prizes that will be advertised on the piece, the length of the promotional sale and the type of mailing list that you are using.  Interactive Promotions Group just handles the insurance for the prize(s) that are being offered on the mail piece so it is up to you to organize the mailer that will be printed, the mailing list and the mail house that you will use to number and drop your piece to your potential customers.

You will need to mail out at least five thousand pieces; this is a required minimum to purchase a policy with Interactive Promotions Group.  As far as the mailing list goes, you have three options on the type of list that can be used: a saturation list, a customer list, or a mixed list (combination of saturation and customer).  The least expensive option is the saturation list since that is just based on a certain mile radius of your dealership’s location.  The customer list will be a little more expensive since you are targeting a specific group of past clients and the odds of return are greater.  You will also need to know the drop date that your mail piece will be hitting peoples’ homes.  Once you have all of this information you can give Interactive Promotions Group a call and get the pricing figured out and get a contract written up.

Interactive Promotions Group is here to help you with your next promotion no matter how big or small it might be!  Give us a call today: 888-882-5140.