A quick response code or QR code for short is a black and white cube you’ve probably seen on signs, menus, mobile apps, and even next to price tags on the shelves. Anyone with a smartphone can use their camera to scan the QR code and it will direct you to a website, article, or in our case, a digital game. 

 These codes are a quick way to get information to your customer and engage with your target audience while they comfortably use their own phone. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using a QR code at your next event.

Launch a Digital game

Our digital games are perfect in any environment, be that a showroom, fundraiser, tradeshow, or by the register at your store. Our games are playable on any device and most can be completely customizable to your brand. We now offer retractable QR popup banners that match your game theme and come in a carrying case for easy transportation to a tradeshow or showroom. You can keep the game hands and hassle-free by allowing your entrants to participate by scanning the QR on the banner with their phones. With the use of the codes launching these games has never been faster or easier!

Quantify Responses

You can easily track when someone is stopping by your booth/store or even which location they are stopping by. Want to know if your table-top signage is getting more attention than your window signs? You can use different QR codes that forward to the same URL in order to track just that. This kind of information is an incredibly valuable tool to figure out what marketing is working best for you and can easily be implemented with a QR code made for your game.

Sign Up Sheet

Using a QR code at your event you can easily bring participants straight to a registration page where they can sign up for your contest and you can then collect customer data. This data can include their age, email, how they heard about your event, what company they are from, or any other questions you are looking for answers to. Asking for user information before allowing participants to play allows you to gain insight into the patrons you are attracting.

However, you choose to run our digital games, they will surely drive traffic to your business/event and are a great way to engage with your customers. Just don’t be afraid to use QR codes to your advantage next time you run one of our promotions.

If you want to learn more about our digital games or QR code pop-up banners, call us on 888-882-5440 or email info@interactivepromotions.com.