People like to get back to their roots and celebrate America during the summer. Just because July 4th has passed doesn’t mean you can’t continue with the patriotic festivities! With the Summer Olympics starting in just a few weeks, this is the perfect time of year to celebrate the U.S.A.

Businesses can get involved by creating fun, patriotic promotions that will be sure to entertain their clients and increase sales. If you aren’t sure how to go about designing an America-themed summer promotion, here are some great examples from this Fox News article:

  • Pizza Hut recently released a new kind of pizza called the Big Flavor Dipper Pizza. The pizza is huge and comes in a red, white, and blue box with the label “Go USA!” Pizza Hut strategically made a creative association between their brand and the Summer Olympics that will surely resonate with customers.

  • Budweiser also got in on the fun by changing its brand name  to “America” on its beer cans and bottles. This promotion will run until the election season ends in November. Budweiser has done an awesome job of creating a promotion that is relevant to national current events and festivities.

Curious to see more patriotic promotions? Interactive Promotions Group is happy to help you craft ideas and get your ultimate patriotic promotion started! Please contact us at 888-882-5140 or email us at with any questions.