Millennials have grown up in a different world, with a different worldview. Millennials have grown up in a time of rapid change, giving them a set of priorities and expectations sharply different from their previous generations. This generation has tablets, smart phones, drones, video games, Uber and social media. With all this technology at your fingertips, why would any kid want to go outside?

This has been a recent concern among schools and parents who have had a hard time with motivating kids to get involved in sports and physical activities. In the US, sports from football to basketball and baseball to volleyball have seen a sharp decline in the number of children playing on a regular basis. The number of children taking part in track and field has fallen 26% over the past five years, with field hockey down 21%, gymnastics down 17% and American football down 12%.

This says a lot about their health as well. Child and teenage obesity levels have risen ten-fold in the last four decades, meaning boys and girls around the globe are over-weight, according to new research.

The youth has had a greater desire to be in front of technology than in front of a coach. And with the added pressure from coaches and parents to make the “right move” and “win,” this has also helped in kids desire to not want to join sports teams. Players are burning out with pressure from parents who want to make sure their kids are athletes before being who they are naturally – a kid. Instead share with your kids, the value of being on a team over the value of winning.

Another way to encouraging physical activity is very simple. We believe that a little motivation will help. Whether you want to encourage your fans to get more active, or you want to promote a physical activity, we can help. IPG has sports contests that will get Millennials off their Facebook and in a face-off instead! See our full list of sports contests here: to see what would make the perfect promotion for your youth! If you need assistance feel free to contact one of our representatives at 888-882-5140!